domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016

ThePsychological Importance of a "Dad".

A video posted by Full Frontal Fatherhood 1, featuring Julian Redwood emphasizing the role of a dad in the mother-baby equation is so important and informative.
Redwood, a Marriage and Family Therapist, illustrates the possibilities of modern families and single parents and goes on to explain why a third person needs to be introduced so the child can understand that he/she is not a part of the mother but an individual in itself.
Although Julian Redwood is speaking to the typical mother and father roles, a truly healthy relationship allows both parents to move between the masculine and feminine, each inhabiting positions of power and vulnerability, authority and tenderness.

According to Redwood, “This primary care (not necessarily a woman) is just someone who will take the time to nurture the development of the baby and attend to his/her needs. A baby’s brain needs this bonding to arrange itself properly and without it, people literally go varying levels of insane.”

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